Tye Preston Memorial Library 16311 S Access Rd Canyon Lake, TX 78133 United States
All March long we will have the A Time Before Texas exhibit from Humanities Texas on display and will be complimenting it with interactive programs!
This special Family Fun event will introduce children and adults to birdwatching in Central Texas during a seminar presented by the Bexar Audubon Society. We will then head out to the trails to look for our avian neighbors and visitors.
Library staff may snap some pictures during public library programs to use in promotional materials and online. If you do not want your photo used, please email reservations@tpml.org.
Free income tax service regardless of income. No appointments. First come, first served. Bring all tax statements and ID with you.
Following our Family Fun: Beginning Birdwatching seminar, please join us on the trail __ to practice your newfound skills!
Spring Plant Propagation class presented by Craig Bruska of NPSOT
A five-week series for toddlers and their parents/caregivers, this fun, informal, play-based program provides a rich environment of toys, books and art activities.
Children who read aloud to therapy animals show dramatic improvement in their reading skills and confidence because the animals provide a safe space for beginning or struggling readers.
Come joins us for a FREE Yoga class hosted by Kasandra Moore of Apatheia Yoga!
This class is best for ages 45+. Bring your own yoga mat and water bottle!
Toggle the date picker: Mar 2025 March 2025