Do you need help with your phone, tablet, laptop or other technology? Sign up for a one-on-one tech help appointment with Jamie to get all your questions answered!
Join us for an morning of LEGO fun with friends! All LEGO are provided. After your build, you can showcase your creations in the library! For ages 5-12 and siblings.
This event is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Tye Preston Memorial Library. The Library may not be contacted about this organization or event.
Preston Pluckers is a mountain dulcimer slow jam with the emphasis on slow. All playing levels are welcome.
This event is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Tye Preston Memorial Library. The Library may not be contacted about this organization or event.
The New Braunfels Writers Guild meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month, for aspiring writers, experienced writers, or anyone wanting to investigate the writing process.
Free income tax service regardless of income. No appointments. First come, first served. Bring all tax statements and ID with you.
Come for a FREE plant swap! Bring and/or take a plant!
Beginning Mountain Dulcimer Boot Camp: From Classical to Rock